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In this section, we will finally get to the testing step.

Generate python unittest


codoo tests python [OPTIONS]

Available options

Option Type Default Description
-n, --name TEXT The name of the test, eg: Awesome test
-t, --type Case type1 TransactionCase The type of the case
-a, --addons TEXT The name of the addon, eg: codoo_demo


All the options are mandatory.

Extra options

Option Type Default Description
Do you want to add tests? BOOLEAN False Choose to add a new test or not
Test name ? TEXT Type a name for the test
Test summary ? TEXT Type a summary for the test


codoo tests python \
-n "Awesome test" \
-t "TransactionCase" \
-a codoo_demo

Generate QUnit tests


codoo tests js [OPTIONS]

Available options

Option Type Default Description
-n, --name TEXT The name of the test, (e.g: Awesome test)
-a, --addons TEXT All The name of the addon, (eg: codoo_demo)


All the options are mandatory.

Extra options

Option Type Default Description
Do you want to add tests? BOOLEAN False Choose to add a new test or not
Test name ? TEXT Type a name for the test
Test summary ? TEXT Type a summary for the test


codoo tests js \
-a codoo_demo \
-n "Awesome test"

Generate new tour test


codoo tests tour [OPTIONS]

Available options

Option Type Default Description
-n, --name TEXT The name of the test, (e.g: Awesome tour test)
-u, --url TEXT The url of the test
-a, --addons TEXT The name of the addon, (e.g: codoo_demo)


All the options are mandatory.

Extra options

Option Type Default Description
Do you want to add steps? BOOLEAN False The name of the test, (e.g: Awesome tour test)
Trigger ? TEXT The trigger of the test
Content ? TEXT The content of the test
Position ? (top, right, bottom, left) top The position of the test
Content ? TEXT The content of the test


codoo tests python \
-n "Awesome tour test" \
-u "" \
-a codoo_demo

  1. [TransactionCase,HttpCase,SingleTransactionCase,SavepointCase] 

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