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Manage odoo security

In this section we will learn how to add ir.module.category, res.groups, ir.access, ir.rule:

Add a new ir.module.category


codoo security category [OPTIONS]

Available options

Option Type Default Description
-n, --name TEXT The name of the category, (e.g: codoo demo)
-d, --description TEXT The description of the category
-s, --sequence INTEGER The sequence of the category, (e.g: 5)
-a, --addons TEXT The name of the addon (e.g: codoo_demo)
--yes Boolean False To confirm the generation


All the options are mandatory.


codoo security category \
-n "codoo demo" \
-d "Awesome new category generated by codoo cli" \
-s 5 \
-a codoo_demo \

Add a new


codoo security group [OPTIONS]

Available options

Option Type Default Description
-n, --name TEXT The name of the group, (e.g: codoo demo manager)
-c, --category TEXT The name of the category (e.g: codoo_demo_management )
-a, --addons TEXT The name of the addon (e.g: codoo_demo)


All the options are mandatory.

Extra options

Option Type Default Description
Do you want to add implied item ? BOOLEAN False Choose to add an implied item or no
Operation ? INTEGER[0-6] Choose the operation1 type
Group id ? TEXT The group_id (e.g: base.user_admin)


codoo security group \
-n "codoo demo manager" \
-c "codoo_demo_management"
-a codoo_demo 

Add a new ir.access


codoo security access [OPTIONS]

Available options

Option Type Default Description
-a, --addons TEXT The name of the addon, (e.g: codoo_demo)
-m, --model TEXT he name of the model, (e.g: awesome.model)


All the options are mandatory.

Extra options

Option Type Default Description
Do you want to add new access ? BOOLEAN False Choose to add new access or not
Which group ? TEXT Choose group_id (e.g: codoo_demo_manager)
Can read ? BOOLEAN True Choose if user can read
Can create ? BOOLEAN False Choose if user can create
Can write ? BOOLEAN False Choose if user can write
Can unlink ? BOOLEAN False Choose if user can unlink


codoo security access \
-a codoo_demo \
-m "awesome.model" 

Add a new ir.rule


codoo security rule [OPTIONS]

Available options

Option Type Default Description
-n, --name TEXT The name of the rule, (e.g: Awesome rule)
-m, --model TEXT The name of the model, (e.g: awesome.model)
-a, --addons TEXT The name of the addon, (e.g: codoo_demo)
-r, --read Boolean False Choose if user can read
-c, --create Boolean False Choose if user can create
-w, --write Boolean False Choose if user can write
-u, --unlink Boolean False Choose if user can unlink
-d, --domain TEXT [] The domain rule, (e.g: [('user','=',])


All the options are mandatory.

Extra options

Option Type Default Description
Do you want to add new access ? BOOLEAN False Choose to add new access or not
Operation ? INTEGER[0-6] 4 Choose the operation1 type
Group id ? TEXT The group_id (e.g: base.user_admin)


codoo security rule \
-n "Awesome rule" \
-m "awesome.model" \
-a codoo_demo \
-r True \
-c False \
-w True \
-u False \
-d "[('user','=',]"

Currently, we have create a category, group and the necessary permissions was granted, so it's time to pass to the views generation.

    • Values: (0, 0, { fields }) create

    • (1, ID, { fields }) update (write fields to ID)

    • (2, ID) remove (calls unlink on ID, that will also delete the relationship because of the ondelete)

    • (3, ID) unlink (delete the relationship between the two objects but does not delete ID)

    • (4, ID) link (add a relationship)

    • (5, ID) unlink all

    • (6, ?, ids) set a list of links

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