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Generate a report

In this chapter, we will see how to generate reports and personalize the paper in which we will put it.

Generate reports


codoo reports new [OPTIONS]

Available options

Option Type Default Description
-a, --addons TEXT The name of the addon, (e.g: codoo_demo)
-n, --name TEXT The name of the report, (e.g:
-m, --model TEXT The name of the model, (e.g: awesome.model)
-P, --paper TEXT The type of the paper, (e.g: A4)
--yes Boolean To confirm the generation


  codoo reports new \
  -a codoo_demo \
  -n "awesome report" \
  -m "awesome.model" \
  -p "A4"

Generate reports paper


codoo reports paper [OPTIONS]

Available options

Option Type Default Description
-a, --addons TEXT The name of the addon, (e.g: codoo_demo)
-n, --name TEXT The name of the report paper, (e.g: awesome.paper)
-f, --format [A4 Letter custom]
--portrait BOOLEAN True The orientation of the paper
--landscape BOOLEAN The orientation of the paper


  codoo reports paper \
  -a codoo_demo \
  -n "awesome paper" \
  -f "A4" \
  --portrait \

After knowing the generation of a new report and create a paper to it, we will move to the controller generation by following the next chapter.

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