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Generate an addons

A common practice when developing odoo applications is to create custom addons, to facilitate this task, we provide a command that automate the generation as easy as pie.


codoo addons [OPTIONS]

Available options

Option Type Default Description
-n, --name TEXT The name of the addon,
(e.g:codoo demo)
-t, --type [theme,module] module Choosing the type of the addon
-T, --template [minimal,standard,full] minimal Choosing the template of the addon
-s, --summary TEXT The summary of the addon
-d, --description TEXT The description of the addon
-v, --version TEXT The addon version
-S, --sequence INTEGER The sequence of the addon, (e.g: 5)
-a, --author TEXT The project author The author of the addon
-w, --website TEXT The project website The website of the addon author
--prefix, --no-prefix Boolean False To prefix addon directory name or not
--yes Boolean To confirm the generation


All the options are mandatory.


codoo addons \
 -n "codoo demo" \
 -t "module" \
 -T "minimal" \
 -s "Awesome addon summary" \
 -d "Awesome new addon generated by codoo cli" \
 -v "1.0.0" \
 -S 5 \
 -a "Developer <>" \
 -w "" \
 --prefix \

Once we generate our new addon, we will pass to generate our first model.

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